Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hello Again, Feeling Happy?


I have been humming it for today.
I have been playing the tunes on my minds.
I don't really have any certain reasons to feel happy.
I just felt it and I kinda like it, although found it a little bit weird.
Yeah, you know, I can barely feel happy when I am in this such conditions- my usual life.

I haven't posted anything lately due to my uncertain activities, but actually I have plenty to say, for sure.
I recapped my last 10 days on my still-functioning-brain-neurons, found ups and downs thingy.
I had the abdominal problem which is diarrhoea for about a week.
I still can feel it if I consume instant noodles (arghhhhhh, why on earth should I get a weak intestine????).
You guys really know how best Indomie Goreng tastes, don't you?
It started when there was no food at my home, my mother gone for a business trip, and my auntie called me, telling that she had this reallyyyy tasty crabs from Balikpapan.

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it's only the pincer of the crab.

Yeahhh.. Looks nice, doesn't it??
Until I found out that tomorrow morning, me, my older sister, and my younger brother had splendid time at our toilets. Yeahhh the effing diarrhoea..

It didn't stop right there. The next day, I went to my campus to attend convocation about freshmen of Communication. I didn't know if I got cursed by someone or something, I slipped and fell down at two-steps-long stairs. So dumb!
Moreover, I couldn't get up and walk because I had this sprained ankle, so my friends lifted me up to my friend's car. (Luckily, I didn't drive my car, otherwise I will left it unattended at the perilous parking lot).
Me, then, had the healing massage to relief every pain on my muscle, d'ohh.
Finally, after two times of massaging, I can walk appropriately, although the pain's still turning up if I walk on uneven road.

Despite things happened above. I feel happiness stop by on my life, although a little. =9
Like today, I gathered around with some friends and we were singing along together.
It was delightful for me and them because all of us loveeeeeee to sing till death.
On previous weekend, (when my ankle's still occurring some pains) me and my best friend went to a nice welcoming back night, full of music, performance, and not to be forget, liquor babyyy..
hahahahahaha. I have to admit it, I kinda miss that old life, high school life, I mean.
(I wish Auntie Mega will publish the photos soon on facebook, *wink*)
Then, the next day, me and my two best friends, spent other exciting night with new guys around.
(big thankie for ndoy and bachien who kept pushing me to get along with the 'new guy', but both of you definitely know, to whom my heart belongs to, ewwwwww hahahahah).
We went to karaoke together too with some new friends at Music Pool, Wijaya for couple hours.
(I can't post the other photos because they don't want to be famous on my blog, blah).

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ndoy.bachien.njay: 3sum reunited

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njay.ndoy : crazy fellas

Today, I feel happy for uncertain reasons, yes.
I feel happy because I can take bites of CK's almond nut brownies.
I feel happy because I met my friends and experiencing Teras Coffee, after my absence about two weeks.
I feel happy because I played with Samantha, and gave her the new 2000 rupiahs.
I feel happy because I can walk and hanging out with friends again.
I feel happy because I still have money left although the amount is soooo dreadful.
I feel happy because I realize that I'm still falling in love with him, I guess. hahahahahaha
From everything I have told you in this post, they seem common, don't they?
But I am so grateful to my God, whoever You are, for letting me to feel some happiness from thingy like that.

Sometimes, it's not easy to be grateful on your own life, isn't it?

Because we always want more and more and never look down, there are plenty of people who have no life as good as ours.
Although I had diarrhoea, sprained ankle, less money, and jinx around me, I found happiness in the middle of that.

It's always easy to say
"I am grateful for my happy life",
but will you often say
"I am grateful for these infelicitous circumstances?

Need some self-contemplation? Take your time, Mates.. =)

"Hello there" and "Bye folks" from Samantha Askey


  1. lagi2 diapus tuh kan yaaa gmn caranya coba comment gw mau banyak di blog lo?

    hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh syapai deh

  2. sumpah gw ga pernah apus comment.
    lo aja yang ga bener, lo cek lagi donggg kalo udah keapprove atau belom, lo harus nulis word verification dulu baru deh keapprove. huhuhuhu jahat nuduhnyaaa
